- Contact her at annienguyen@ucs
d.edu - UC San Diego 5th year undergraduate - Eleanor Roosevelt College (Formerly Fifth College)
- Department of Biology - Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution.
- Hometown: Redondo Beach, CA
- Fun Facts
- Is a member of Phi Sigma Rho, a national sorority for women in Science and Engineering
- Wants to be a high school biology / environmental science teacher when she grows up.
- Enjoys painting, singing, photography, drinking too much coffee, reading about history, writing, and cooking. Sometimes, even writing about cooking: work-of-mouth.blogspot.com
- Contact her at nicolebeeler@gmail.com
- UC San Diego 6th year undergraduate - Thurgood Marshall College (Formerly Third College)
- Department of Environmental Systems - Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution
- Hometown - Pinole, CA
- Fun Facts
- Owns a pet Ball Python named Jioni (Swahili for Evening).
- Has been a vegetarian since 1996.
- Loves dancing, painting, attempting to surf, being awkward, hugging trees, and taking midnight swims in the ocean.
- Contact her at jasminerockwell@gmail.com
- UC San Diego 5th year undergraduate - 6th College
- Department of Biology - Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution
- Hometown - Berkeley, CA
- Fun Facts
- Goes mushroom hunting with her family every rainy season.
- Best recipe to date: Blackberry Cupcakes.
- Enjoys, panting, drawing, drinking tea, eating yummy things, reading when its raining outside, and poking things with a stick.